

About Me

upper body shot of myself, Luke MacKenzie. head shot of myself, Luke MacKenzie.

Simply put, I am a hard-working young man with big dreams trying to make my mother proud.

Upon completing my BBA degree at Laurier in 2016, I landed a great job at Chubb Insurance where I enjoyed two years as a Business Analyst. Somewhere along the way I decided to teach myself HTML out of interest and before I knew it I was taking part-time web development courses and found myself considering a complete career change.

On January 4th, 2019 I quit my job and have since completed HackerYou's nine-week Web Development Bootcamp. In a matter of months, I've become passionate about web development and can't wait to begin doing it for a living.

When I'm not coding, you can find me on a golf course, playing guitar, cooking, or rewatching Friends for the 27th time.

Check out my work



screenshot of Recordit website.

A fun app to discover new music based on artists you already love

HTML icon. CSS icon. Sass icon. JavaScript icon. jQuery icon.

Ethical Makeup

A handy app for discovering and reviewing high-quality, vegan makeup

HTML icon. CSS icon. JavaScript icon. React icon. Firebase icon.
screenshot of Ethical Makeup website.


screenshot of Thump-A-Trump web application.

Like Whack-A-Mole, but more satisfying. Still in progress and currently DESKTOP ONLY.

HTML icon. CSS icon. JavaScript icon. Firebase icon.

Tune Up

screenshot of Tune Up website.

Spend less time tuning & more time playing. Get your guitar sounding great in just a few clicks

HTML icon. CSS icon. Sass icon. jQuery icon.
